Outgoing Sponsorship program 2024/25

This is a preview of the 2024/25 Outgoing Sponsorship Program form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

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Expression of Interest Form: 2024/25 Woollahra Council Outgoing Sponsorship Program

* indicates a required field.

Key Dates

  • Applications open - Sunday 1 September 2024
  • Applications close - Sunday 29 September 2024 (midnight)
  • Grants announced - November 2024

Before you start: Important information to read and understand

Welcome to Woollahra Municipal Council's online Outgoing Sponsorship expression of interest process. Woollahra Municipal Council (WMC) has a range of annually distributed grants available to enable the community to develop projects to address local needs. The Outgoing Sponsorship Program is a new funding opportunity to support new and long-standing initiatives and proven events & programs, beyond those that the community are applying for through Council's annual grants program.

Before completing this form, please read and review the:

Helpful Tips

Do you need more help to use this form?

Download the Help Guide for Applicants, check out  Applicant Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) 

What information should I prepare?

To complete your application, you will need to upload the following documents:

  • Evidence of pricing or quotes for expected expenditure of over $500
  • Supporting documentation for any project partnerships or collaborations where applicable.
  • 'Preview' the application form before commencing, then prepare the information that will be needed to answer each question. 

How do I work on my application over a number of days?

Please ensure you save as you go so you can return to the form and keep editing. Remember to submit by the close date. 

How much detail do I include?

Council encourages applicants to write concisely and clearly. Please do not duplicate answers across multiple questions. It is acceptable for answers to be below word limits. 

Can I get an extension and submit my application after the closure date?

No. Incomplete and/or late applications will not be considered.

If I am successful, how long does my funding last?

Each Outgoing Sponsorship program grant is awarded for one funding period only, ending on 30 June 2025. There is no guarantee of future funding. 

Acquittal Information:

Acquittal's must be submitted no later than four weeks after the completion of the event or program. Forms can be accessed through the My Submissions tab on your SmartyGrants account. 

Do you have another question?

Email: grants@woollahra.nsw.gov.au

Phone: (02) 9391 7000

Objectives of the Outgoing Sponsorship Program

The main objectives of the program are to:

a) Support the Community Strategic Plan and Delivery Program.

b) Assist in building a diverse and economically strong community.

c) Support a more connected and more prosperous community.

d) Reduce isolation and improve physical and mental health.

e) Support cultural and artistic initiatives and organisations that have proven programs and demonstrated history that enable Woollahra to thrive.

f) Support long-standing initiatives that collectively harness the social capital of Woollahra.

Funding available:

A maximum of $20,000 is available per year, per project. Council has a budget of $50,000 for this program in 2024/25.


Criteria for the Outgoing Sponsorship Program 2024/25

Any sponsorship arrangement that is offered by Woollahra Council must:

• Benefit the broader community within the Woollahra Local Government Area and align with Councils Mission, Vision and Values.

• Align with Woollahra Council’s Community Strategic Plan, Delivery Program and Operational Plan, strategies and policies.

• Not restrict Woollahra Council’s ability to carry out any of its regulatory or other functions.

• Align with Woollahra Municipal Council's adopted Code of Conduct.

• Represent an appropriate sum of money or in-kind items/goods/services for a project or activity that enables Council to exercise its functions.

• Be for a maximum period of 12 months in line with Council’s application process.

• Welcome community involvement and promote inclusivity.

• Adhere to Council’s environmental and sustainability principles

Priority Criteria for the 2024/25 Outgoing Sponsorship Program round

Priority criteria for this round are:

1. Cultivating a vibrant Woollahra through initiatives that enhance opportunities for residents and visitors to actively participate in major community and cultural activities, with special focus on performing arts.

2. Long standing initiatives that have enabled the growth of social capital and delivered community building outcomes.

Note: funding for 2024/25 will not be provided for projects which have already been funded through the 2024/25 Grants Program.

Confirmation of Eligibility

I confirm that the applicant ... * Required
Response required.Response required.
You must tick each box to confirm all statements are true and correct. If not, you are not eligible for the Outgoing Sponsorship Program.